Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2009

Montag, 7. Dezember 2009


  • first form is a cube
  • split-levels
  • galleries
  • different impressions in the rooms


differences united in one form

Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009

first idea

We choose the site on the beginning of the first pier. It is the more powerful and dynamic position. Additionally it is the end or beginning of the seafront and it defines the entrance of the new cultural area. The building should take up the border, between the city and the port, to receive the feeling of stepping into a separate area that is different from the city.

First we started to collect our ideas about a cultural center, further we tried to concretize those ideas in regard to the building.

The building should weak up the interest of different people. Outside there will be a simple and compact figure with different worked up surfaces that are based on one material. The facade symbolizes the different culture, which join together in one clear building. Because of the varied worked up surfaces the façade has the chance to construct open and at the same time more or less closed atmospheres. Inside it will look like a contrast to the outside. There will be varying heights and therefore different scales of rooms, which reflect also the variety of cultures.

People who come to the building should have the opportunity to learn more about foreign cultures by being involved in the happening.


The site of the project is located on the entrance of the old port of Thessaloniki. An area which is actually more and more dedicated to cultural activities of the city.


we have also created it ;-)